Ovarian Cancer Ultrasound Scan

The ovarian ultrasound cancer screening involves a physical examination to detect early signs of the disease. We at Private Ultrasound London Clinic offer this service as part of a comprehensive ovarian cancer check-up. If you wish, you can also have a widely available CA-125 blood test done in the Harley Street area. If you have any questions, you’ll find the answers to all of them below. A comprehensive report with explanations will be made available after the test.

It's Simple To Book Our Ovarian Cancer Screening Scan

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What is An Ovarian Cancer Screening Scan?

At Private Ultrasound London clinic we have been successfully performing Ovarian Cancer Ultrasound Screenings for over a decade, helping women detect early signs of ovarian cancer.Ovarian Cancer Ultrasound Scan is a safe and painless examination that uses high-frequency sound waves to detect any signs or symptoms of ovarian cancer. The ovarian cancer check-up involves two parts: the ultrasound scan and the CA125 blood test. Clients can have these tests at their doctor’s surgery or we can arrange them through a private Gynaecologist in Harley Street. If you need more information about the specialist doctors we work with in Harley Street, please let us know.

How is Ovarian Cancer scan performed?

This is an internal, trans-vaginal (TVG) ultrasound scan, which is painless, safe and does not cause discomfort.

It is performed internally as that allows for much clearer images of the ovaries and better diagnostics.

It is important  to notify us if you are allergic to latex as the probe covers are usually made of latex. For those clients who are allergic to latex, we provide special non-latex probe covers, so you can rest assured.

What will the scan examine?

During the screening, we will be looking for the following:


  • Cysts
  • Masses
  • Polyps
  • Fluid collections within ovaries, uterus or pelvis

What is included?

  • A full medical ultrasound diagnostic report
  • High resolution printed images per request, or digital images on an external drive

Is someone available at the clinic to discuss further questions/ concerns after the scan?

Yes, an ultrasound specialist Doctor will be available to talk to if you have additional questions or concerns.

Should you need to have your CA125 blood test and are not sure where to go, we can provide details of reputable specialist Doctors we work with in the vicinity.

What are the preparations for this scan?

No preparations are necessary.

Once you arrive for your appointment, we will ask you to empty your bladder on order for you to be more comfortable and for us to have a greater visibility.

How easy is to book an appointment?

We introduced an easy and user friendly online booking system for your convenience.

We understand the pressures of our fast-lane lifestyles nowadays and strive to meet your busy schedule by offering a fast-track, same day appointments during weekdays and Saturdays, as well as 2 evening clinics on alternate days each week.

What is the Price


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2 Wimpole Street W1G 0EB

+44 7501 701701

Other Female Scans Available

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All our scans include an instant report and a detailed explanation of the results.

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Choose the relevant scan from our list or contact us for advice

NHS Doctor


There is no need for a GP for a referral to have an ultrasound scan with us

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